We Need Safety to Thrive

Are the people closest to you safe?

Is your home safe?

Is your workplace safe?

Your answers to these questions are important. Very important. And we encourage you to take some time today to really think them through because in order to thrive and show up in life as the best version of yourself, your relationships, home, and work must be safe.

Safe means:

  • The people closest to you support you by being kind, considerate, and compassionate.

    They do not belittle you, tease, shame, or mock you, or criticize your dreams, goals, and aspirations. They are on your team, and you can count on them. You can be your authentic self in your safe relationships and know your vulnerability will not be disparaged.

As coaches, we see the devastating effects and heartache experienced by those in relationships with people who are not safe, including partners, adult children, extended family, and even close friends. What happens when we are in relationships with people who are not safe is that we eventually become so defeated we no longer fully engage in our lives. And how could we? Without kindness, consideration, and compassion, our relationships become about hiding so we are not a target.

  • Your home is a place where you are accepted and loved.

    Not only do you know you will not be physically harmed and know you belong, but you also know it is safe to relax and rest from all the pressures and stresses of life. Without a safe home, you cannot rejuvenate yourself to face each day.

Many adults deal with the long-term crippling effects of growing up in unsafe homes. As young adults, we typically want to get away from the unpleasantness; however, we may not realize the impact of some of our childhood experiences until much later in our lives. Unless we understand the impact of an unsafe home, it is unlikely we will be able to create a safe home ourselves, which affects us, our partners, and our children.

  • Those for whom and with whom you work treat you with respect, and there is an environment of camaraderie and support.

    You might be like most of us and spend the majority of your time at work, which means that your work has a significant influence on your life, and it must be safe.

Even in the most stressful work environments, we can (and must) create an atmosphere of trust and respect for all. For employers, this is how to get the most out of your workforce. As an employee, searching until you find a workplace that treats you well is essential to your health and happiness. No matter the size of the business, safety goes a long way toward everyone consistently performing at the highest level.

If you find that one or more of these areas of your life is not safe, please reach out for help.

Bringing safety into your life will most likely require making some essential changes that will be difficult to do without support. From our experience, changes require time and intention ā€“ and they are possible.

We want to see you THRIVE! šŸ’–
Annette and Ada


Happy Thanksgiving to YOU!


Iā€™m Certified in Goal Success! šŸ˜Ž